Activity reports Labour Related Development

India & Sri Lanka Teams

event date: June 6, 2023 June 21, 2023
Participants touring the airport with JFAIU

A program was held for the Tamil-speaking unit from June 6 to June 8 (online), and for the English-speaking unit from June 14 to June 21 (in Japan).

The entire program was completed by six participants (including four women) from India and four participants (including three women) from Sri Lanka. In total, there were 10 participants (including seven women) from two countries.

In online sessions, participants heard lectures on “The History and Role of the Japanese Labor Movement and Current Issues” and “Labor Legislation and Social Security Systems That Support the Labor Movement.”

On the other hand, participants in Japan had a session with a local of the trade union confederation, in which they visited RENGO Yamagata and listened to a presentation on local labor conditions, minimum wage, and other such matters. In addition to this, the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, JILAF officials, and the National Council of Workers’ Welfare gave presentations about “Efforts by the Japan Federation of Aviation Industry Unions,” RENGO’s Gender Equality Initiatives,” Social Challenges We Tackle ,” and “Mechanisms for Workers’ Mutual Aid,” and exchanged opinions with participants.

The main action plans that were proposed by participants are as follows.

(1)            Learning that there is no hierarchy when it comes to work, taking this concept back to India, and applying it to future activities. Participants were also impressed by the “safety first” approach. (India)

(2)            Learning that in Japan, workers are supported with regular physical and mental health checkups. Participants intend to make efforts to implement this in India as well. (India)

(3)            Making efforts to create an environment where young people and women can work more comfortably. Specifically, participants would like to make recommendations to the government so that initiatives similar to Japan’s for maternity and paternity leave can be realized. (India)

(4)            Sri Lanka’s default was caused by the lack of close cooperation among workers, management, and the government. Participants would like to implement the initiatives they learned in Japan with respect to management and government in Sri Lanka. (Sri Lanka)

Photos of the Participants

  • Participants visiting the Tendo Woodworkers' Union as part of the local RENGO cooperation session
  • Participants with JILAF officials and employees at the closing of the program